showit website design and SEO strategy


Your website is the digital home for your business. And SEO is the roadmap to your business’s growth. With a little grit and a lot of creativity, I’m here to navigate the complexities of search engines, ensuring your business ranks high on Google and effortlessly guide your clients directly to you.

Explore web design & SEO Services

Let's make you magazine-worthy.

Like those old linoleum floors from the ‘80s, your brand’s online presence may be functional, but you don’t quite feel like it’s as impressive or memorable as those gorgeous herringbone hardwood floors on every page of Architectural Digest.

And while we're at it, let's get you on page 1 of Google, too.

Explore web design & SEO Services

Hey, I'm Stepfanie! And I'm here to give your website the upgrade it deserves.

the joanna gaines of the web design world

Through custom Showit website design, Showit template customization, and done-for-you SEO, I help innovative business owners—like you—welcome more dream clients into their online space.

And trust me, your dream clients won’t ever want to leave!

To learn more about me, TSMC and—most importantly—how we can work together to organically grow your business, consider this your invitation to come on in and stay a while.

(Bonus points of you bring gluten free donuts)

Get to know me

There’s nothing better than the confidence that comes with a perfectly aligned, expertly designed, and optimized website.

And your business deserves to know what that feels like

Showit Template Customization >>

Get your template customized as fast as Crate & Barrel can have you adding to cart.

Done-For-You SEO
Services >>

More web traffic more views, more of the right people inside of your business’ online home.

Custom Showit Website Design Services >>

Transform and customize your brand’s entire online presence from fixer-upper to full-of-life.

New to The SM Collective

White Label SEO Services for Website Designers, Copywriters & Agencies

White Label SEO Services

The interior of your house (aka your website content) is worthy of a multi-page spread in Architectural Digest. But when you take a step back and look at the house as a whole…The interior of your house (aka your website content) is worthy of a multi-page spread in Architectural Digest. But when you take a step back and look at the house as a whole…

That's where I come in.

The interior of your house (aka your website content) is worthy of a multi-page spread in Architectural Digest. But when you take a step back and look at the house as a whole…

The Ultimate Blog Post Checklist for SEO

Before you publish your next (or maybe even your first!) blog post, you’ll want to make sure it’s optimized not only for Google, but your readers. That’s where the blog post checklist comes in!

To get the blog post checklist for SEO so you can create your next blog post with confidence and ease, enter your email below to get it delivered straight to your inbox—for free.

You're in! Good things are coming to your inbox!

Remember that one friend’s house everyone always wanted to go to hang out growing up? When we’re done working together, that’s how your dream clients will be feeling about your website.

Let's Work Together

Creating Digital Homes as Welcoming as Real Ones